Agenda: 77th Annual Meeting, 1998

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Transportation Research Board (TRB)
Committee on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration (A1F04)
77th Annual Meeting
January, 1998
Washington, D.C.

Committee A1F04-Related Sessions for 1998 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board
(All Meeting Rooms Located at the Washington Hilton Hotel)

January 12, 1998
January 13, 1998
9:00 am

Highway Noise Subcommittee

State Room
8:00 am to 9:30 am

Guided Transit Noise Subcommittee

Georgetown West Room

9:45 am to 12:30 pm

A1F04 Committee

Georgetown West Room
2:00 pm

Aircraft Noise Subcommittee

Hamilton Room
1:30 pm to 3:15 pm

Transportation-Related Noise Issues, Part 1
(Session 231)

Kenneth D. Polcak
Maryland State Highway Administration

Lincoln West Room

3:45 pm to 5:30 pm

Transportation-Related Noise Issues, Part 2
(Session 260)

Jay Waldschmidt
Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Lincoln West Room

7:30 pm to 9:30 pm

Transportation-Related Noise Issues, Part 3
(Session 290)

Cynthia S. Y. Lee
U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe Center

Lincoln West Room

Highway Noise Subcommittee

  1. Call to Order

  2. Welcome and Introductions of Members and Guests

  3. Reports:
    1. Remaining TRB Week Activities
    2. Summer Meeting 1997 - Toronto, Canada
    3. NCHRP Synthesis on Tire / Pavement Noise
    4. Status of TNM
    5. Others
    6. Announcements:
      1. A1F04 Awards Dinner
      2. A1F04 Summer Meeting 1998 - St. Petersburg, Florida
      3. Presentations

          Development of the Federal Highway Administration TNM (Traffic Noise Model) Look-up Tables Cynthia S.Y. Lee,
          Volpe Center Acoustics Facility
          An International Cooperative Research Program on Development of Porous Elastic Road Surfaces Dr. Seishi Meiarashi,
          Senior Researcher,
          Ministry of Construction,
      4. Open Discussion on Topics of Mutual Interest

      5. Adjournment

      Aircraft Noise Subcommittee

      1. Call to Order

      2. Welcome and Introduction of Members and Guests

      3. Review of 1997 Activities

      4. Presentations:
          An Update on the Status of the Validation of
          Aircraft Noise Models at Lower Levels of Exposure
          Eric Stusnick,
          Wyle Laboratories
          Rotorcraft Noise Model Michael J. Lucas,
          Wyle Laboratories

      5. Discussion

      6. Announcements

      Guided Transit Noise Subcommittee

      1. Introductions

      2. Administration

      3. Announcements

      4. Research:
        1. Funding Outlook
        2. Current Research
        3. New Research Statements
        4. Action Items

      5. Papers for 1998 Annual Meeting

      6. Presentation / Discussion

      7. Closing Remarks

      Committee A1F04

      1. Call to Order

      2. Welcome and Introduction of Members and Guests

      3. Statements by Jon Williams, TRB Staff Liaison; and Wayne Kober, Section Chairman

      4. Review of Minutes from January 14, 1997 Meeting - Win Lindeman

      5. Reports:
          Summer 1997 Meeting Soren Pederson
          1997 / 1998 Activities & Sessions Gregg Fleming
          Aircraft Noise Update Eric Stusnick
          Guided Transit Noise Update Jim Nelson
          Highway Noise Update Ken Polcak

      6. Presentations:
          Introduction to the FHWA TNM Training CDROM Dr. William Bowlby,
          Bowlby & Associates
          Evaluation of Low-Cost Highway Noise Barriers Mr. James Byers,
          Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
          Mr. James Cowan,
          Acentech, Inc.

      7. Discussion:
          A1F04 Summer Meeting (1998) Win Lindeman
          Others (Wall Journal)

      8. Announcements:
          A1F04 Awards Dinner Steve Ronning

      9. Adjournment

      Transportation-Related Noise Issues, Part 1 (Session 231)
      Kenneth D. Polcak, Maryland State Highway Administration, presiding

      Aircraft Community Noise Impact Model Eric Stusnick and Richard L. Thompson, Wyle Laboratories, Inc.;
      Terence R. Thompson, Bryan A. Evans, and John DiFelici, Metron, Inc.
      Measurement of Road Traffic Noise and Perceptions of Residents in Kuwait Parvitz A. Koushki, Omas Al-Saleh, and Salch Yaseen Ali, Kuwait University
      Comparative Field Measurements of Tire Pavement Noise of Selected Texas Pavements B.J. Landsberger, Michael T. McNearney, Tracy Turen, and Albert Pandelides, University of Texas, Austin
      SLIT: An Improved Noise-Prediction Model for Parallel Noise Barrier Seishi Meiarashi, Public Works Research Institute; Howard Jongedyk, Robert Armstrong, and Steve Ronning, FHWA; Masaki Hasebe, Hokkaido University

      Transportation-Related Noise Issues, Part 2 (Session 260)
      Jay Waldschmidt, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, presiding

      Investigation of the Relationship Between the Traffic Condition and the Worst-Case Noise Hour on the Freeway Alex C. Chen, URS Greiner, Inc.
      Tire-Pavement Noise: An Investigation of ITS Importance in Mitigating Highway Noise Impacts Philip J. Grealy, John Collins Engineers, P.C.; William R. McShane, Polytechnic University
      Method to Determine Reasonableness and Feasibility of Noise Abatement at Special Use Locations Roger L. Wayson and John MacDonald, University of Central Florida;
      Win Lindeman, Florida Department of Transportation
      Sound Barrier Applications of Recycled Plastics Mohamad A. Saadeghvaziri and Keith MacBain, New Jersey Institute of Technology
      NDADS: A System Employing User-Enhanced Automation Procedures with Radar Tracking Data for Noise Prediction Models Juliet A. Page, Wyle Laboratories

      Transportation-Related Noise Issues, Part 3 (Session 290)
      Cynthia S.Y. Lee, Volpe Center Acoustics Facility, presiding

      State of the Art on the Prevision and Control of the Road Traffic Noise in France Michael C. Berengier and Fabienne Anfosso-Ledee, Labortoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees, France
      A Case Study in Public Perception of Noise Barrier Effectiveness Kenneth D. Polcak, Maryland State Highway Administration;
      Andrew B. Smith, McCormick Taylor & Associates, Inc.
      Traffic Noise Barrier Overlap Gap Model Lloyd Herman, Ohio University
      Texturing of Cement Concrete Pavements to Reduce Traffic Noise Emission Ulf S. Sandberg, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute;
      Jerzy Ejsmont, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland