Agenda: 67th Annual Meeting, 1988

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Transportation Research Board (TRB)
Committee on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration (A1F04)
67th Annual Meeting
January 11-12, 1988
Washington, D.C.

Committee Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order

  2. Welcome and introduction of members and guests

  3. Statements by:
    • Campbell Graeub, TRB Staff Liaison
    • Carmen Difiglio, Section Chairman

  4. Review of Minutes from January 7, 1987 Meeting – Win Lindeman

  5. TRB Papers – Mas Hatano

  6. Reports:
      Summer 1987 Meeting Dominic Billera
      1988 Activities & Sessions Mas Hatano
      Highway Noise Update Bill Bowlby & others
      Aviation Noise Update Joe Pulaski & others
      Rail/Mass Transit Noise Update Eric Stusnick & others

  7. Presentations:
      Groundborne Vibration propagation Test Procedure Carl Hanson
      A Summary of the Noise Barrier Construction in the U.S. Martin Weiss

  8. Discussions:
      A1F04 Summer Meeting (1988) Mas Hatano
      Committee Awards Joe Pulaski
      Newsletter Mas Hatano

  9. Announcements:
      A1F04 Awards Dinner Charlie Adams

Session #40 – Airport & Highway Noise
Presiding Officer: Joe Pulaski

Session #79 - Highway Noise
Presiding Officer: Bill Bowlby