Agenda: 64th Annual Meeting, 1985

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Transportation Research Board (TRB)
Committee on Transportation-Related Noise and Vibration (A1F04)
64th Annual Meeting
January 14, 1985
Washington, D.C.

Committee Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order

  2. Welcome and introduction of new members

  3. Statements by TRB Staff – Steve Blake, Carmen DiFiglio

  4. Review of Minutes from January 1984 Meeting

  5. Reports:
      Summer 1984 activity
      1985 Activities and Sessions
      Highway Noise Update Anderson, Romano, etc.
      Aviation Noise Update Joe Pulaski
      Rail/Mass Transit Noise Update Eric Stusnick

  6. Presentations:
      Sound Absorptive Highway Noise Presentation (slide show) Bowlby & Cohn
      California's Experiences with Earthborne Vibrations Mas Hatano

  7. Discussions:
      A1F00 Section Summer Meeting Blake
      A1F04 Transportation Related Noise & Vibration Summer Meeting Lindeman
      Committee Award Pulaski
      Research needs survey Bowlby, Lindeman, Knauer, Wayson
      Where should instrumentation go? Blake

  8. Announcements:

    • A1F04 Sessions

    • A1F04 Awards Dinner

    • A2F04 Field Trip

Session 1: January 14, 1985 – 2:00 PM – Empire Room, Shoreham - Highway and Community Noise
Presiding Officer: Grant Anderson

Session 2: January 15, 1985 – 9:00 AM - Calvert Room, Shoreham - Aircraft and Highway
Presiding Officer: Joe Pulaski

January 15, 1985 – 2:00 PM